Welcome to My Creative Page!

I'm working on making this page really a nice looking one. I want people to enjoy it together with me.Feel free to post your comments. Useful advice will be of a great help.

29 November 2007


I created a video on how to use a video camera for the Reading Clinic 4th year students.
Part of their course includes videotaping themselves and their clients (2-8 grade school stugents) to find and analyse the teaching moments. So at the beginning of the semester students are tested on the skill of working with video cameras. Not all of them know how to do it. I think it's a new way of explaining to them HOW. It's visuable and understandable. And it's fun!
In this video I used the Riding Clinic video camera. The materials were shot in the Reading Clinic library in Schindler. I also used the song The Sound of San Francisco by Global Deejays

28 November 2007

Google groups

This week we had an exciting experience of a collaborative on-line learning. We created a group in Google and worked through it with my partner. Sarah was upstairs and I stayed on the first floor. We had no chance to communicate face to face. It was an unusual and a bit challenging experience, and I’m really happy to have had it.

There are several conclusions I made to myself:
· Your computer must work fine, and you need to have a quick access to the Internet. I lost Sarah for a while because she had some problems with the connection, and I didn’t know about it.
· The idea of answering different questions in groups was great. Some of the questions were answered by me, some by Sarah, and some by other groups. The best thing was that there were questions to which both Sarah and I gave answers. So we had a chance to discuss them and choose the best ones.
· It was good that we were to do a lot of things ourselves (such as creating a group). At the same time if we had questions or needed help, we were given it immediately. I had a feeling that out “teachers” were learning together with us.

I don’t know whether I’m going to work in Google Groups a lot, but this was a really nice experience! Thanks guys!

Picture retrieved from: http://news.softpedia.com/images/news2/039-Macs-Inside-Google-Group-039-launched-1.jpg

06 November 2007

For Teachers

This materials should go to the wiki page. I reorganized it a little bit and placed all the emergent technologies our group found in a new blog. The Wiki page looks boring and colorless to me.
The interesting thing is that as soon as my findings appeared on My Creative Page, I started receiving comments with suggestions of emerging technologies people use in their practice of just find worth mentioning.

I think it can be useful in subjects where you need to work with terminology. This site allows you to create your own flashcards:

Rubric makers
Here you can create rubrics on any topics:

It's a WebQuest writing site:

The picture retrieved from: http://www.siliconvalleywatcher.com/mt/archives/The_BLOG.jpg

02 November 2007

Windows Movie Maker

It was fun to work with this program. I was able to put together my podcast and the power point presentation. Now you can watch my project using the You tube:

This video is about my trip in Saint Petersburg this summer:

I also made a movie about one guy who went to Chile this summer. It should be fun. Anyway, this short movie killed my weekend: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_5UbbW_-gw


Last class we had a little discussion about e-books and Blooks. I was always thinking that it's just a PDF of any book or article. It turned out to be more entertaining.
Here is the link to see the images of the e-book: